06/07/24- CNF Rally Cancelled.



January 28th - Committee meeting at 10.30am followed by a Burns Bring and Share lunch at 1pm

March 12th - SWOC AGM at 2pm

April 20th - 25th - Suntreckers Rally

April 23rd - Tea on the lawn and raffle

May 13th and 14th - 60th Anniversary CELEBRATIONS

May 27th - Christian Naturist Fellowship Rally

June 22nd - 27th - Suntrecker Rally

June 24th - MIdsummer Meal

June 25th - Tea on the lawn and Raffle

August 3rd - 8th - Suntrecker Rally

August 6th - Tea on the Lawn and Raffle



Clubs Visit 2022

Clubs’ Visit Day 2022

As one of the attendees said, it was difficult to believe that it was three years since SWOC members

were able to invite their friends from swim and unlanded groups to come to SWOC for the day. In

the end thirty-six members of the Barton, Wimborne, Larches, Naked Swim and Quite Naturally,

accepted the invitation.

Whilst not always sunny, the day was warm enough for everyone to practice naturism. In between

the “ bring your own” Teddy Bears’ Picnic Lunch, and the sumptuous SWOC Tea on the Lawn, some

folk decided to play miniten or petanque, but most were happy to just deepen friendships and enjoy

the ambience. After tea the main game was “How many AA men does it takes to try get car keys out

of a locked car?”. The answer was two – unsuccessfully. So, while the car owner was driven home,

semi naked, by a friend to just about manage to get into the house to collect a spare key, those back

on site decided to have races on spacehoppers!

You couldn’t make it up, could you? But this friendly fun is just one of the reasons that our guests

are already asking to be invited back next year.


Midsummer meal 2022

Every year it seems that we are saying a great big “thank you” to the catering team for our

Midsummer Meal, but every year we are royally fed by our brilliant volunteer cooks. The fact that

every year more and more visitors come to SWOC at that particular time just to enjoy the meal

speaks volumes. The rain held off – just. But we couldn’t risk it, so we all ate in the marquee with

waiter service from the clubhouse. As you can see from the photos we all had a good time.

2021  Events

 Midsummer meal June 26th 2021

Midsummer Meal


Forty two members and visitors enjoyed a wonderful Midsummer Meal. Not only were we blessed with a lovely sunny, dry day, despite the forecasts of cloud and even light rain, but it was lovely to see SWOC well populated by members and visitors, almost reminiscent of pre-Covid days. Then on top of all that we were well fed by the catering team. They spent the whole afternoon preparing the food, and what a spread it was.  No one went hungry and some even took away a “doggy bag”! Thank you, to the whole team.





Tree planting

The Midsummer meal was preceded by the planting of a small rowan tree in grateful memory of a recently deceased member 









3rd & 4th July 2021


 This event was not well attended, not helped by the weather. Nonetheless those present got to talk about their passion for VW Campers of every vintage.

There was a drawing competition where the brief was Draw or paint a postcard on the theme of " wish you were here" featuring a VW Camper in an iconic location.  This was the winning entry





Past Events

 Teddy Bears Picnic

 A Lovely day was had at SWOC, with our own members and the Suntreckers, it was a lovely sunny day, and all the Teddy Bears came out to play








August 3rd 2019- Clubs visit


The gates to SWOC were wide open today for several hours. The reason? SWOC was entertaining members of several other (reasonably) local swim clubs and groups.  Some 45 or so members of Barton Swim, Wimborne Swim, Naked Swim, Larches Swim, and Quite Naturally came to SWOC and enjoyed a huge Ploughman's Lunch and sumptuous tea laid on by a group of SWOC members. Some have decided to camp at SWOC too. In addition some Dutch visitors enjoyed typical SWOC hospitality.


Even a short shower midway through the afternoon didn't cramp our style. It was great for SWOC members to renew former acquaintances and make new ones.


Christian Naturist Fellowship Rally at SWOC


SWOC, South Western Outdoor Club, hosted a rally for the Christian Naturist Fellowship(CNF) on Saturday June 29th, 2019. The speaker for the day was Nick Mayhew-Smith, talking about Celtic Christianity. The main activities were on the Saturday, and lunch and tea was provided on that day, we welcomed campers.  The event is for anyone interested in Christianity whether a member of CNF or not.


A great day was had by all, we hope to host this event again soon











What a great day we have had, today. Fabulous weather, wonderful company. Old acquaintance renewed and new friendships made. A very interesting talk from Nick Mayhew-Smith.😀 Christine



You and the SWOC community were absolutely lovely, Christine, thank you for a warm welcome and an extremely enjoyable weekend. Confirms once again to me that naturism and naturist clubs are about the people first and foremost. And the weather rather helped too...




I'd echo all that Christine and Nick said above. I know these things take a lot of hard work to put on, and it is very much appreciated and it was very successful. Christine did more than her fair share, but her smile never faltered. It was a truly lovely weekend, so thanks again to all who made it possible.  Duncan



SWOC is lovely - if you haven't been already do visit them soon. They're one of the most welcoming clubs I've been to.”

Visited last year’s Cheese and Cider day. Hospitality was above and beyond.”





Can’t recommend it highly enough – the club and the people.”


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We are situated near Batcombe in Dorset.

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